
Friday, February 15, 2019

Dub Revolution :: essays papers

Dub gyrationThe Story of Jamaican Dub Reggae and Its LegacyI. DUB REVOLUTIONThis is dub r development . . . music to rock the nation.-Lee Scratch PerryIn the modern mount of electronic music, the word dub has draw a buzzword for or so any style of music that utilizes the re mixture of prerecorded sound as a mode of artistic expression. The idea of taking apart the various instruments and components that brace up a recording and remixing them into something that sounds completely different is a vulgar practice today, being used in various styles of music such(prenominal) as jungle, house, hip-hop, and even metal. It is often everywherelooked, however, that the dub technique and style originated in Jamaican rocksteady and reggae. The great sound system engineers of Jamaica in the late sixties and advance(prenominal) 1970s pioneered the instrumental remix and were the graduation exercise to make the style popular. employ only primitive recording and mixing equipment, the mix ing engineer took a lead role in defining the sound of the recording, using the mixing board as his instrument. The resulting dub craze that occurred in Jamaica in the middle 1970s further established the mixing engineer as an artist. For the first time in recorded music, the sound of a recording become connected not only with the musicians and the producer, but with the mixing engineer as rise up. Dub became a tradition and a part of the tuneful gardening in Jamaica. The proliferation of instrumental mixes, known as versions, as well as radically remixed dubs that resulted opened the doors to a vast new field of musical expression that would eventually be embraced not only by Jamaican music but by popular music all over the world.The story of how all of this happened in Jamaica is a fascinating tale of the curious cultural and socioeconomic setting in which the Jamaican music fabrication produced some of the most influential music ever recorded. This essay explores the evoluti on of dub reggae in Jamaica and the contributions of some of its most innovative pioneers, as well as the influence that dub reggae has had in the development of other styles of music. lastly it will analyze the sound of the music itself and how it is created, which will be supplemented by a sampling of some dub recordings.II. DUB EVOLUTIONTo real understand the origins of dub reggae, one must first understand the disposition of the Jamaican music scene in the late 1960s and early 1970s, and the role of the dancehall in Jamaican music.

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