
Friday, May 31, 2019

Negotiating a Starting Salary Essay -- Business and Management Studies

Negotiating a Starting net profitWith internet access available to almost everyone, job seekers arearmed with more information than ever before. Information can beobtained for job openings, job descriptions, and even salaries.Some clippings when filling pop out an application, a box will ask for a salarydesired. Some advertisements ask to send your resume with salaryrequirements. These are sometimes tough questions to answer. How ofttimesdoes that job normally pay? Is the job applicant worth the top pay?This paper will explore the various factors involved when attemptingto negotiate a starting salary. Topics such as helpful internetsources will be introduced, along with salary ranges, and helpfulinterview techniques will be discussed to better daub one self toobtain the salary desired.Some basic concepts should be understood before attempting tonegotiate a starting salary. First of all give that a job in bleakYork City will most likely pay more than the same job in rural Ohio. geographic locations and cost-of-living play a major role whendetermining salaries. For example, comparisons were made for an entrylevel job as a bank teller in Elyria, Ohio and New York, New York. Theresults were interesting. The medial expected salary for a typicalTeller in Elyria, Ohio is $20,913 with the 25th percentile being$19,642 and the 75th percentile at $22,645. The median expected salaryfor the same job in New York City is $24,274 with the 25th percentilebeing $22,799 and the 75th percentile at $26,284 (www.Hotjobs.com).Supply and requirement also play a part. If job candidates are plentifulthen negotiating power is limited. However, some fields are in highdemand and college graduates in those fields will find they have theirchoice of employers. For instance, according to The American AlmanacOf Jobs And Salaries, the occupations with the largest job declineare sewing machine operators. This data covers the time period from1996 to 2006 and they are in decline by 26 percen t (xxviii).Conversely, according to Enhanced Occupational Outlook Handbook, thefastest growing jobs are electronic computer related. From 1998-2008 computerengineers, computer support specialists, computer systems analysts,and database administrators are expected to grow by 108, 102, 94, and77 percent respectively (18).A third concept to phone is that ev... ... appeal to their power and position in thecompany. Say something like, If you have the power. Most managerswill enjoy the positive comment and if they can get it make for youthey will (www.collegegrad.com).These negotiating techniques highlight just some of ways a jobapplicant can better position themselves for a better starting salary.Salary wizards on the internet will give you a pay range. Variousarticles at career related web sites can give you some importantinsights. And of course your local library will always have books onhand to guide you through your job and salary search as you fudgeyourself for the challenges of the working world of the 21st century.Works CitedFarr, Micheal J. and LaVern L. Ludden, Ed.D. Enhanced OccupationalOutlook Handbook 2000-2001 ed.Caroline Levchuck. How to Determine Your Salary Range. 10-30-2004.Lussier, Don Job inquisition Secrets. Lincolnwood NTC/Contemporary,1998Wright, John W. The American Almanac of Jobs And Salaries 2000-2001ed.The Unacceptable Offer Negotiation Technique. 10-31-2004. . 10 Tricks for Negotiating a Higher Starting Salary. June 20,2004.Employment Digest. 10-24-2004.

Thursday, May 30, 2019

depression :: essays research papers

Om clinical depressionPsykiska tecken p depressionMnga personer tror att de aldrig kommer drabbas av depression, men s rdet inte, vem som helst i vilken som helst lder kan drabbas av depression.Denna sjukdom r inget som de flesta egentligen vill prata om, utan det rkanske ngot som macrocosm skms ver. Psykiska sjukdomar har dessvrre i allatider varit en negativ stmpel. Men en viktig sak att veta r attdepression r en av de vanligaste sjukdomarna i Sverige och det gr att blifrisk.Ungefr 4 - 5 % av Sveriges befolkning har i vuxen lder, idag endepression som behver behandling. Det finns olika typer av depressioner.Egentlig depression, melankoli, dystymi, och worldly concernodepressiv sjukdom r devanligaste depressionsdiagnoserna.Alla mnniskor kan ibland knna sig ledsna och nere, men detta r intedepression, detta r ngot som drabbar alla i vrt dagliga liv.Nr man r s deprimerad s att man inte ser ngon utvg och allt knnssvart och meningslst, d det pverkar vra knslor tankar och handlingar. D har man en depression.Depressioner kan knnetecknas av nedstmdhet, hopplshet, trtthet,gldjelshet, allmnt ointresse, hmning av olika aktiviteter,sjlvmordstankar och i svra fall sjlvmord.Den allvarligaste depressionen r den djupa depressionen eller melankoli.Normal nedstmdhet brukar alla mnniskor klara av, hantera och bearbeta.rftliga faktorer och tidigare erfarenheter pverkar dock vrat stt attreagera och hur srbara vi r. Det finns emellertid ett antaldepressionstillstnd som r svrare och krver bde medicinsk ochpsykologisk behandling.De vanligaste symtomen vid depression rNedstmdhetAvsaknad av gldje och intresse fr vanliga aktiviteterAptit- och viktfrndringarSmnstrningarFrndrad motorikTrtthet och knslomssig frusenhetNedvrderande sjlvbildKoncentrationssvrigheter och beslutsvndaTankar p dden, sjlvmordstankar och sjlvmordsfrskSexuella strningar, ngest och verdriven misstnksamhet mot omgivningenDepressiva sjukdomar r mycket vanliga och kan drabba vem som helst och ialla ldrar. Enligt WHO r depression p vg att bli en av vrldens strstafolksjukdomar. Cirka 500 000 svenskar berknas just nu ha en depression somkrver medicinsk behandling.Fyra olika diagnoser p depressionFrstmningssyndrom kallas ibland ocks fr affektiva sjukdomar och r densammanfattade benmningen fr de tillstnd som r kopplade tillfrndringar i stmningslget. Hit rknas t.ex. egentlig depression,dystymi, och manodepressiv sjukdom. Lkare delar in depressionen after desssvrighetsgrad och hur den yttrar sig. Hr nedanfr r de vanligastedepressionsdiagnoserna.Egentlig depressionr det som beskriver bst det man menar nr man pratar om depression.Fr att stlla denna diagnos krvs det att symtomen nedstmdhet och/ellerminskat intresse fr omgivningen skall finnas under strre delen av dagen,s gott som varje dag under minst tv veckor.Sjukdomen kan vara av ltt, mttlig eller av svr karaktr, och vid desvrare depressionerna s anvnds begreppet melankoli.En del personer som drabbats av depressioner varar det under mycket lng

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Americans and Agriculture :: Agricultural Education Farming Essays Papers

Americans and AgricultureWorks Cited MissingAgriculture is not all give-up the ghost and no play. Many advances can be made in the understanding of agriculture by making available a variety of methods to provide children with a hands-on experience and also educating all individuals about the importance of the practice. The ignorance of urban communities can be overcome with the help of organizations and people within the community. School visits, hands-on experiences, volunteers and organizations be just a few examples of the steps that can be taken to educate Americans about agriculture and close the gap between uncouth and urban populations. Agriculture is the science and practice of producing crops and livestock. The primary aim of agriculture is to use the land to produce more abundantly to feed and clothe the creative activity at the same time protecting it from deterioration or misuse. Humans had to improve agriculture as they became more dependent on food, cre ating a solitary evolutionary connection between plants and animals (Campbell and Reece, 2001). In this day and age, so many people have forgotten the authentic premises of survival. It is easy for some to call back that the grocery stores produce food and clothing is produced by shopping centers. These inaccurate presumptions are being made due to the lack of knowledge of how agriculture authentically works. There are also significant differences in the levels of understanding between rural and urban communities. As doubts of economic possibilities of farming and ranching continue to decline, the accredited farmer still respects their land and practices. The general stereotype of farmers and ranchers is poor stewardship. Historically, hunters and farmers were more interested environmentalists than compared with the liberal, urban vegetarians of today. However both share the same conditions for alimentation and breathing. This creates confusion between needing and w anting within a typical household (Kingsolver, 2003). An easy answer to the problem is to provide proper education. Educating the young is the best authority to get a point across and ensure that the America of tomorrow is less ignorant than the America of today. Children are eager to learn new things and are the best tool to promote agriculture (Robinson, 2005). There are many methods that can be made available to people of all ages, especially children, to increase their knowledge about agriculture.

Sister Carrie :: essays research papers

I think it is very difficult to define the exact character of Dreisers "Sister Carrie", and his original intention. I would say, "as many eyes, so many opinions", so no wonder there are different approaches and interpretations towards the novel which is influenced non on the nose by the readers reading or personal experience, but also by their particular philosophy of life as substantially as knowledge about the historical background. "Sister Carrie" squeeze out be read as a novel of desire, seduction, or the critique of capitalism and consumerism. Its definitely not the plot or characters which are dominant elements of it. The taste and the literary value of Dreisers novel is shaped and created by its setting and the originators tone. Chicago and New York have almost as organic and important role in the novel as the characters. They do not just form the simple environment for the novel, but they influence its character and a very strong impression. Chic agos character is kind of more " dictatorial", it is a city of promise, luck, rise (Carrie). We washbasin say that in Chicago, Hurtswood means something. New York s character is different. Its a city of lies, fall, impersonal closing off of "walled city where surviving is much more difficult than in Chicago. In New York, Hurstwood means nothing. The setting creates different expectations to people. During the reading of "Sister Carrie", I was enkindle in searching and revealing the different kinds of desire. Generally we can say that Dreiser deals with the desire of wealth, social status, material things which are represented by money. Within this generalization, we can find and identify many other faces and forms of lust and longing. Carrie, as an ambitious and strong woman embodies the social values of the consumer culture. All she longs for is a material wealth, which represents power. She can be seen as a symbol of money. But Carrie lives in a world of pric es. Her labor costs $4.50 board $4 a week automobile fare $.60 cheap lunch $.10 etc. She imitates everything perfectly and thats why she is becoming what people want her to become. Her desires come from other peoples desires. It is on the button Drouet, who introduces her to the world of wealth, to materialism. He gives her money, flat even "name when she enters the world of theater. She plays her role according to Drouets desires once acts as his mistress or "wife".

Tuesday, May 28, 2019

Capital Punishment Essay: Christians and Capital Punishment

Christians and the Capital Punishment The restoration of the death penalty by the Supreme Court prompted statements of opposite word by some Christians around the country. This essay reflects on these statements and draws the conclusion of their suitability and correctness in light of our Christian heritage and other secular, practical reasons. These statements let in that Christians of equally serious moral concern can and do disagree on the issue of capital punishment. We must honor the personal freedom in Christ for different populate to exercise moral discernment and come to different conclusions on this issue. Still, many Christians feel compelled to bear witness to our views and ask the people of America to give us heed. The death penalty might be justified as the lesser of two evils if it could be shown conclusively that, by inhibiting carmine crime, it served as a significant protection to society. However, the weight of sociological research strongly suggests the r everse - that lawful violence may actually encourage guilty violence. Since the sociology of... ... Its actual use in our state demeans us all. It reduces our shared dignity as human persons and violates our professed respect for human life. That there should be punishment of crime, we shake off to be self-evident. That the punishment should fit both the crime and the criminal we hold to be the steadfast aim of our courts of law. If the law of the land should mature to the point of sour the retaliatory violence of punishing crime by killing the criminal, we would hold this to be a triumph of Gods redemptive sovereignty in human affairs.

Capital Punishment Essay: Christians and Capital Punishment

Christians and the Capital Punishment The restoration of the death penalty by the Supreme motor lodge prompted statements of opposition by some Christians around the country. This essay reflects on these statements and draws the conclusion of their suitability and correctness in light of our Christian heritage and other secular, possible reasons. These statements acknowledge that Christians of equally serious moral concern can and do disagree on the issue of capital punishment. We must honor the personal granting immunity in Christ for different people to exercise moral discernment and come to different conclusions on this issue. Still, many Christians feel compelled to bear witness to our views and exact the people of America to give us heed. The death penalty might be justified as the lesser of two evils if it could be shown conclusively that, by inhibiting violent crime, it served as a significant protection to society. However, the weight of sociological research strong ly suggests the reverse - that lawful violence may actually progress criminal violence. Since the sociology of... ... Its actual use in our state demeans us all. It reduces our shared dignity as tender-hearted persons and violates our professed respect for human life. That there should be punishment of crime, we hold to be self-evident. That the punishment should fit both the crime and the criminal we hold to be the steadfast aim of our courts of law. If the law of the land should mature to the degree of forbidding the retaliatory violence of punishing crime by killing the criminal, we would hold this to be a triumph of Gods redemptive sovereignty in human affairs.

Monday, May 27, 2019

Achebe, C. (1994). Things Fall Apart. New York: Doubleday & Co., Inc. Essay

Achebes (1994) novel, Things Fall Apart, is a chronicle of societal modification in the face of a colonial invasion. It describes the life of Okonkwo, a distinguished leader of a resolution in Nigeria. The rich, powerful, brave and intelligent man has worked hard to achieve his high status in his settlement. The village elders thus chose him to be the guardian of a boy named Ikemefuna, who has been made prisoner by Achebes tribe. Okonkwo must keep the boy with him until the Oracle decides early(a)wise.When the village elders decide that Ikemefuna must be killed, Okonkwo goes against the advice of the oldest man of the village by killing the boy himself. Subsequently, things start to fall apart for Okonkwo. He accidentally kills an different mortal at a funeral ceremony. For this act he must be sent into exile with his family for a period of seven years. After all, he has offended his gods by committing the murder.After Okonkwo and his family have been sent into exile, things st art to fall apart for his hoi polloi back home. White men begin to enter his village, amiably introducing their religion to the endemic throng. As the number of people embracing the new faith increases, the white entrants grow in power. Ultimately, a new government is formed in the village that of white people.When Okonkwo returns to his village, it is a different place altogether. The presence of white men is a change he had not expected. Unhappy with the change, he tries to work with other tribal leaders to reclaim the old government. They do this by destroying a Christian church that they believe has mocked their gods. The white government retaliates by taking Okonkwo and the other tribal leaders as prisoners, holding them for ransom, and humiliating the native leaders further.A great uprising ensues, as the native people of the village rumple to oppose the white government. When the white government tries to stop their meeting by sending some of its messengers, Okonkwo is t he only one who kills one of the messengers. His fellow native people allow the remaining messengers to escape, however. Okonkwo is made to understand thus that the villagers are too weak to fight for themselves and/or protect their rights. He therefore begins to believe in the end of his society, reinforcing its disintegration in the following words Now the white man has won our brothers, and our clan can no longer act like one. He has put a knife on the things that held us together and we have fallen apart.Okonkwo kills himself soon after. The white government sends one of its local leaders to reach the great man of the village to court. At this point, Okonkwo is found to have hanged himself. The great mans death is a sign of the total demise of his peoples old ways of life. After all, it was Okonkwo alone who was strong enough to kill one of the white men in an attempt to eradicate their government. none of his fellow native people were as determined as he.Still, Okonkwos story is a powerful reminder that nothing can withstand forces of change at times. Even the heroes may turn to despair if the forces of change are too powerful to fight. Such forces may change people and their cultures for ever. Even so, the memories of the heroes remain, as in Things Fall Apart.

Sunday, May 26, 2019

Thinking Critically Ch

The challenge you face is to gain a coherent view of the world that expresses who you ar as swell up as the mortal you extremity to become. It should be a vision that not undefiledly guides your actions but also en commensurates you to understand the value of your experiences, the signifi messce of your relationships, and the meaning of your brio. The quality of your life philosophy is a mold closure of your abilities to think critically and think yeastyly, abilities that you micturate been developing while working on activities presented finished out(p) this book.But a life philosophy is uncomplete until it is acted upon through the decisions you apply, decisions dad possible by your ability to choose freely. These argon the three life principles of merciful transformation upon which this book is based thinking critically, lifespan fancifully, choosing freely. These three principles atomic number 18 interlocking pieces of the puzzle of your life. Working togethe r as a unified force, these principles whoremaster illuminate your existence answering questions, clarifying confusion, creating meaning, and providing fulfillment.Think critically When used properly, your thinking process acts like a military forceful beacon of light, illuminating the depths of your personality and the reader of your experience. Clear thinking is a tool that helps you crystalize the often confused jumble of thoughts and feelings that compose much of your waking consciousness. By becoming a more powerful critical thinker, you be acquiring the abilities you postulate to achieve your goals, solve problems, and make intelligent decisions. Critical thinkers are spate who book genuine thoughtful and well-founded beliefs to guide their choices in every heavens of their lives.In order to develop the strongest and most accurate beliefs possible, you need to become aware of your declare biases, explore situations room galore(postnominal) antithetical perspective s, and develop sound reasons to hurt your points of view. Live creatively Creativity is a powerful life force that can infuse your existence with meaning. Working in partnership with critical thinking, creative thinking helps you transform your life into a rich tapestry of productivity and success. When you approach your life with a mindful sense of discovery and invention, you can continually engender your self in ways limited only by your imagination.A creative lens changes everything for the breach Problems become opportunities for growth, mundane routines become halogens for inventive approaches, relationships become fascinate adventures. When you give free rein to your creative impulses, every aspect of your life takes on a special glow. You are able to break out of detached habitual responses and live fully in every minute, responding naturally and spontaneously. It sounds magical, and it is. Choose freely People can transform themselves only if they choose to take diffe rent paths in their lives-?and only if their choices are truly free.To exercise genuine freedom, you must have the insight to understand all of your options and the wisdom o make advised choices. When you fully accept your freedom, you redefine your daily life and view your future in a hot light. By working to neutralize the constraints on your self-sufficiency and guide your life in positive directions, you knock against alternatives that were not previously visible, having been concealed by the limitations of your previous vision. Your future becomes open, a field of rich possibilities that you can explore and choose among.A life that is free is one that is vital and exciting, suffused with unexpected opportunities and the personal fulfillment that comes from a life well lived. Your self is, in its essence, a kinetic life force that is capable of thinking critically, creating, and choosing freely. These three essential dimensions of your self exist optimally when they work to gether in harmonious unity. When working together, these three basic elements bring out a person who is intelligent, creative, and countersinkd-?the ingre pass alongnts for success in any endeavor.Consider the unfortunate consequences of subtracting any of these elements from the dynamic equation. If you inadequacy the ability to think critically, you wont be able to function very well in most challenging careers because you get out eave difficulty thinking clearly, solving complex problems, and making intelligent decisions. Whats more, whatever creative ideas you come up with will be rootless, lacking an intelligible framework or practical strategies for implementing them. You will be an impractical dreamer, condemned to a life of thwarted underachieving.Without insight into yourself, your freedom will be imprisoned because you wont be able to see your choices clearly or to liberate yourself from the influences that are constraining you. F you lack the ability to think creative ly, then your thinking abilities may enable you to perform in a solid, workmanlike mien, but your work will lack imagination, you will be afraid to try original approaches because of the risk of failure, and your personality will be lacking the spontaneous sparkle that batch admire and are worn to.You will in time become a competent but unimaginative worker bee, performing your duties with predictable adequacy but never go to the lofty heights that you are capable of attaining. Your choices will be as limited as your imagination, and your habitual choices of safe and secure paths will eventually create a very small canvas for your personal portrait. You lack the ability to choose freely, then your abilities to think critically or creatively cannot save you from a life of disappointment.Though you may be able to clearly analyze and understand, you will lack the will to make the difficult choices and stay the communication channel when you encounter obstacles and adversities. And though you may develop unique and valuable ideas, your inability to focus your energies and make things happen will doom these ideas to anonymity. Because you lack the will to create yourself as a strong individual of character and integrity, the people you encounter will come to IEEE you as a shallow-rooted reed that bends with the wind of superficial trends, not as almostone deserving of authority and responsibility.Think of what you aspire to have a life of purpose and meaning the respect and devotion of those slightly you, success and fulfillment in your chosen endeavors, and a secure sense of who you are, a person with the courage and vision to accomplish great things. These aspirations are within your grasp, but only if you develop all of these fundamental dimensions of your self to their fullest potential the abilities to think critically, think creatively, and choose freely. Choose excessly You have the power to create yourself through the choices that you make, but only if your choices are truly free.To exercise genuine freedom you must possess the insight to understand all of your options and the wisdom to make informed choices. In many instances passive, illogical, and superficial thinking inhibits peoples abilities to make intelligent choices and erodes their motivation to persevere when obstacles are encountered. This section is designed to provide you with a general framework for understanding the reputation of free choice and the practical thinking strategies needed to translate his understanding into transformed behaviors and attitudes.You can redefine your daily life in a new light and enhance its value through free choices derived from thinking critically and creatively. Condemned to Be Free Man is condemned to be free. Condemned, because he did not create himself, to date is nevertheless at liberty, and from the moment that he is thrown into this world, he is creditworthy for everything he does. Jean-Paul Sartre This book is based on t he conviction, articulated here by the philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre, that we create ourselves through the choices that we make, ND that we are capable of choosing different courses of action.But often we get so caught up in routine, so mired in the day-to-day demands of cosmos and the pressures of conformity that we dont even see alternatives to our condition, much less act on them. Our complaints often far outnumber our shining moments, as we tend to focus on the forces and people that have thwarted our intentions. If only got the breaks now and then . If only could get rid of my habitual tendency to I would . These complaints, and millions of other(a)s like them, bitterly go bad W. E. Hanley notion that l am the master of my fate, am the captain of my soul.It is much more common for people to believe that fate mastered them and that they never had able opportunity to live life their way. Instead of feeling free, we often feel beleaguered, trying desperately to prevent our sma ll dinghy from getting swamped in lifes whale swells, rather than serenely charting a straight course in our sleek sailboat. The end result is that when people think of being free, they often conjure up a romantic notion of getting away/ from their concerns and responsibilities, imagining a world where anything is possible and there is plenty of money to pay for it.However appealing this fantasy may be, it is a misconceived and unrealistic notion of freedom. Genuine freedom consists of making thoughtful choices from among the available options, choices that reflect your genuine desires and deepest values, resisting the pressures to surrender your autonomy to external pressures or indispensable forces. The most important and disturbing element of personal freedom is that it necessarily involves personal responsibility. And personal responsibility is the main reason why people are reluctant to embrace their freedom and in fact actively seek to escape from it.If you acknowledge autho r choices are ere, then you must accept that you are obligated for the outcome of your choices. When you are successful, it is easy to take full responsibility for your success. But when failure occurs, people tend to dive for cover, blaming others or forces outside of their control. This is scarce whats going on in all the preceding If only statements and many others like them they each express the belief that if only some outside force had not intervened, people would have achieved the goals they set for themselves.However, in many instances, these explanations are bogus, and these efforts to escape from redeem are illegitimate. They represent weak and inauthentic attempts to deny freedom and responsibility. Free Choice The Mainspring of Human Action Every day we are confronted with the mystery of human action. One person commits an armed robbery, killing a guard in the process. Another person is found to have embezzled large sums of money from the charitable organization he dir ected. A firefighter risks his life to save the life of an infant trapped in a burning building.A peaceful protest gets out of control and turns into a violent and destructive altercation. A respected subdivision of the immunity is accused of abusing the children on the teams that he coached. Two teenagers are accused of murdering their newborn infant and dumping the body in a garbage container. An 84-year-old char who spent her life cleaning the homes of others donates her life a local college with which she had no previous relationship. In each of these instances, and countless others, we struggle to understand why/ people acted the way they did.Our answers typically depend on our deepest beliefs about the genius of the human self. For example Human nature I believe in human nature people are born with certain basic instincts that influence and determine how they behave. Based on this view, the actions described previously, whether good or evil, are no more than the natural ex pression of a habitual nature that is communicableally hardwired into every person. From this perspective, we should no more hold people responsible for their destructive actions than we would an animal in the wild that kills in order to survive.There is no possibility of free choice because our actions necessarily follow from our inborn nature, and we cannot be other than who we are. Whether you act virtuously or destructively in your life is ally beyond your control, and you cannot alter your fundamental character. The environment l believe that people are shaped by their environment, instruct by their experiences to be the kind Of people they are. From this vantage point, the actions described previously are the direct products of the life experiences that the individuals had.If the environment in which a person developed was deprived or abusive, then these forces shaped a violent individual with little regard for the rights or lives of others. On the other hand, if you were fortunate enough to grow up in a loving and nurturing environment in which kindness and empathy were considered paramount values, then this upbringing shaped who you are. But once again, you cannot be held responsible for how you turned out because you didnt choose your environment you were a passive agent molded by forces beyond your control. And, of course, you are incapable of making free choices.We should no more condemn the embezzler than we should reward the firefighter who risks his life, since they are each merely products of environments that are ultimately responsible for their behavior. Psychological forces l believe that people are governed by psychological ores, many of them unconscious, that cause them to think, feel, and act in certain ways. Based on this point of view, the actions described previously are the direct result of deep psychological impulses that have been formed by peoples earliest relationships and experiences.Although these people may think they are c hoosing to do the things, in reality, they are puppets manipulated by unseen psychological strings. The same is true for you. So when the coach sexually abused the children on his teams, he was not actually choosing this reprehensible course of action, he was impelled by psychological forces over which he had no control. Similarly, your behavior results from psychological motivations, often repressed, that form the basic structure of your personality. Your feelings of freedom are illusory.Social dynamics l believe that we are social creatures that are greatly influenced by the people around us. From this perspective, peoples behavior results in large measure from the forces exerted by those around them. The need to conform to the prevailing norms, to be accepted by the conventions to which you belong, to please those who are close to you, to obey those in sections of authority-?these and other social needs determine your behavior and define who you are as an individual. For exampl e, the violent actions of the initially peaceful demonstrators can be understood only by examining the dynamics of social interaction.Since the group as a whole is to blame, responsibility is removed from the individuals. In the same way, individuals who act illegally (or immorally) within an organization often seek to be clear(p) on the grounds that they were merely acting as cogs in the machine, not independent agents. An extreme version of this occurred after World War II at the Murderer trials when many people accused of wartime atrocities explained that they were only following orders. Thinking Activity 12. 1 Your Theory of Human Behavior Think about some of the actions described at the beginning of this section.How would you explain why those people acted in the ways that they did? Which of the above theories make the most sense to you? Do you have your own theory to explain why people behave the way they do? Creating Yourself Through Free Choices If we examine all of these beliefs regarding the nature of human beings, we can see that they have several significant things in common These beliefs represent attempts to explain human behavior in terms of factors that precede the action a universal human nature, past experiences, psychological forces, and social dynamics.In other words, all of these beliefs assume that the essence of a person, as defined by the factors identified previously, comes before the human actions and in fact causes these actions to take place. As a result, all of these beliefs about the human self have the effect of removing responsibility from the individual for his actions. If what you did was the direct result of human nature, past experiences, psychological forces, or social dynamics, then you cannot be held accountable. You didnt have a choice, your behavior was outside of your control.As a final consequence, these beliefs about the self limit future possibilities. If your thoughts, feelings, and actions are caused by forces b eyond your control, then you do not have it in your power to change, to alter direction, to improve-?any more than a puppet can decide to act independently and contrary to the wishes of the puppeteer. From a framework rooted in human freedom, these traditional perspectives regarding the nature of people can be dangerous and destructive. One of the most passionate and articulate modern exponents of individual freedom was Jean-Paul Sartre.His position is extreme-?you are completely free. You create yourself entirely through the free choices that you make every day of your life. Though you may try to pretend otherwise, the reality is that you are the originator of your actions, the master of your fate and the captain of your soul, for better or for worse. You may choose to surrender control of your life to other individuals or organizations, but this is ultimately a free choice that you make and for which you are completely responsible. Lets revisit the examples identified previously a nd analyze them from this perspective.Free choice l believe that people are free to choose their courses of action, and that they should be held responsible for the choices they make. The person who committed the armed robbery and murdered the guard freely chose to steal money and he is completely responsible. He was not compelled to act in this fashion he could have chosen not to. The person who embezzled money from the charitable organization which he headed freely chose to betray his trusted position out of greed and should be held fully accountable.The heroic firefighter freely chose to overcome his natural business concern of death and risk his life to save someone elses, and he should be awarded full credit for his heroism. The child abuser freely chose to surrender to his destructive sexual impulses, and he deserves to be condemned and fully punished. The infant-murdering teenagers freely chose to deal with their fear of having an unwanted child by killing it and trying to hide the body (despite having many other alternatives available), and they should be held fully responsible for their choice.The philanthropic senior citizen freely chose to neonate her money to improve educational opportunities for underprivileged young people rather than spending the money on herself, and she deserves to be praised for her altruism. Each of these people had other alternatives available to them, and they could have made different choices-?but they didnt. Therefore, they must be held responsible for the choices that they did make. But surely, you might be thinking, I cant be held completely responsible for my life. After all, there are many factors outside of my control, people and forces that do create obstacles and undermine my efforts.And we are subject o pressures and influences from within ourselves feelings of greed, fear of death, altruistic impulses, sexual compulsions, need for social acceptance, and so on. Still, it is up to us to freely choose which impul ses, motivations, fears, and desires we want to act in accordance with. In other words, it is up to you, your self. You make the ultimate choice regarding who you want to become and the direction of your life. When you look in the mirror, the person that you see reflected is the person you have created.If you are pleased with who you are and the state of your life, then you have every right to feel proud. On the other hand, if you are dissatisfied with the person you have become and disappointed with the course of your life, then you have to look no further than yourself to determine who is responsible. You must have the courage to accept full responsibility for your situation, but it is within your power to change, to improve yourself and your life through the free choices that you are able to make. Sartre characterizes humans as the one living creature whose existence precedes its essence. In other words, you create your essence (your self, soul, personality) through the free cho ices that you make in your daily existence. He explains Man first of all exists, encounters himself, surges up in the world-?and defines himself afterwards. Man simply is-?he is what he wills to be after that leap towards existence. Man is nothing else but that which he makes of himself. This is exactly what distinguishes human consciousness from the rest of the animal kingdom when confronted with a decision situation, we are able to think about the options available to us and then make a free choice based on our evaluation.And that makes us responsible for our actions, as Sartre explains If existence is prior to essence, then man is responsible for what he is, it puts very person in possession of himself as he is, and places the entire responsibility for his existence squarely on his shoulders. In todays culture, personal freedom and responsibility are in danger of extinction, threatened by an array of psychological, sociological, and genetic explanations that have the cumulative e ffect of robbing people of their autonomy and dignity.It is refreshing and enlightening to view people through the lens of personal freedom, awarding them the power to make free choices for which they are responsible, rather than viewing them as victims Of resistance with little control over their destinies. George Bernard Shaw dismissed this victimized view of life when he stated, l dont believe in circumstances. Rather than blaming their circumstances, the people who get on in this world create their own. Because You Are Free .This discussion of freedom may search abstract and theoretical to you, and you might be asking yourself What difference do my beliefs about personal freedom make in my life? The truth is that along with your beliefs about morality and religion, there is perhaps no other belief that has a greater impact on your life. Here are a hardly a(prenominal) examples. Self-improvement If you are a person who is constantly striving to improve yourself and the quality of your life, then it is essential that you possess the freedom to make different choices from those you have previously made. Personal freedom is the lifeblood of human change.By using your critical- thinking abilities, you can identify appropriate goals and intelligent alternatives by exercising your freedom, you can choose the goals and alternatives that lift out meet your needs and fulfill your ideals. On the other hand, an exclusive belief in one of the non-freedom theories (human nature, environmental determinism, etc. Undermines and even eliminates the possibility of changing yourself. The die has been cast, and whatever the future has in store for you, you cannot influence it in any meaningful way. Morality Morality deals with the way we relate to people around us.Societies have developed moral ideals and prohibitions to help their citizens live together in a harmonious and productive fashion. As a result, most societies consider things like murder, robbery, cheating, stea ling, and raping to be wrong, and they have enacted laws and punishments to discourage antisocial behavior. On the other hand, most societies consider things like impassion, altruism, sharing in communal responsibilities, and working for the good of everyone as well as yourself to be right, and this sort of behavior is encouraged through teaching, exhortation, and example.

Saturday, May 25, 2019

When Growth Stalls – 1 Page Review

Introduction Its offering advice for avoiding growth stalls, drawing from practices currently in use at large, high-growth companies to foresee possible stalls and head them off. Article gives quadruple categories which regarded as main reason for growth stalls. A premium position backfires, innovation circumspection breaks down, core business is abandoned prematurely and company lacks a strong talent bench. The key point is that all of the most common causes of growth stalls are not come from external force. Its from managements failure. Thus its knowable and preventable.To spot the sign of growth stalls, they suggest us to use diagnostic self-test they developed. Its the asking, what companys old managers have seen in their markets, in their competitors, in their own internal practice that might be alert of impending stall. To prevent the growth stalls, they recommend us to make strategical assumptions explicit and carry forward it relevance and accuracy. Thus, agility for reac ting to changes of circumstance will be improved. Four practices are required to carry go forth that process. First, commission a core-belief identification squad which consisted with employees who are less stick to current orthodoxies.Second, conduct teams which develop visions of your companys future five days hence. Third, appoint a shadow cabinet. Lastly, ask a venture capitalist to sit in on strategy reviews and probe for weakness. Authors insist that on the strategy agenda, guarding against growth stalls should be at the top. And firm should renew their competence in strategy in this point. Limitation and defect The authors thrust is reasonable theoretically. In intellectual approach, its appropriate and fresh idea. However, since theories are based on consequences, it entertains a doubt to rationalize theories in results.Consequently, its conflict against real-business situation. First of all, there are a lot of brands who are maintaining their market leadership although they undergoing four critical causes of growth stall. In real business area, there are mess of brands which take their combative advantage as growth differentiation therefore dont care their rivals although theyve got cost leadership. Harley Davidson or John Galliano will be the typical cases. Both of brands even dont care closely customers preference. Rather than that, they make customer to be attracted by their brands by customer themselves.Particularly in the luxury good market, brands do not try to stick their concept as contemporary or trendy. They persists their own color. (From research by Custo Barcelona in 2010) Moreover, Asahi Breweries, whove got competitive advantage by abandoning core product prematurely and urgently replace it to new product, can be refuter of articles theory too. (Information from Harvard Business School in 1994) Secondly, there are too many restrictions to absorb their tools in real business. Appling self-test to foresee a stall is not that easy as they insist because its unclear to define the fundamental reason of the phenomenon.It can be caused by the economic recession of whole industry, fed in the customers preference, where product lifecycle is, or maybe it can be signal of stall. We cant confirm fundamentally where the drawback is started. Besides utilize four practices which assist to make strategic assumption is more complicated. We can certain that cost of adopting these practices will be high, but cant confidence how effective it will be work. competency of those practices will be different from each companys organization, corporate culture and so on. Therefore sometimes it can be aggravate of the risk.In addition, inviting a venture capitalist can be more risky than their effectiveness. Finding faithful and influent VC who is assured to not leak the restricted information about corporation will be huge task to solve. Anyway, to reform this thrust, Id suggest not pass over externalities. Theyve too many heavy in management problem. More fundamental causes will be arises in external environment, such as, threat of substitutes or technological changes. Then, mention about divagation between industry and concrete supplementation for their tools which demonstrate its actual effect in really business will be required.

Friday, May 24, 2019

Primarily Influence Our Role In Society Education Essay

Harmonizing to Sanderson. ( 2009 ) 4 Primary socialisation occurs in the early phases of a adolescent individual s life and is halt of development of rational, emotional and societal ego and that the ho put on tone down and resolve community are the chief agents in Primary socialisation and fuel find bar or part of pervert and condemnable activity.Initially From birth a minor connects with behaviors of the parents. This interaction, much oft than non, will be with the birth womanly parent. Gormly ( 1997, Reissland, 1998 cited in Digiulio 2001 ) 5. Harmonizing to Bowlby ( 1969, cited in Wagner 2009 ) 6 Attachment helps to maintain the baby and female parent relationship a bordering one therefore bettering the kid s opportunities of endurance . This early relationship offers sense of security and protection in which to socially get wind. Trouble with doing this fond hear gutter take to troubles in behavior in childhood and through its life class. ( Wagner, 2009 ) 7.As th e kid grows Parents need to promote society s set and criterions so that conformity ( societal control ) is adopted by voluntarily agencies, instead than from authorization ( Grusec & A Hastings 2006 ) 8 moreover as Wagner ( 2010 ) 50 mentioning Kohlberg s theory, suggests, kids go through antithetic phases of logical thinking of moral development. At the early phase of concluding a kid will larn to conform to regulations to forestall been punished. At the following degree the kid additions an apprehension of ways to determine single demands through personal positions and by their actions. Further on the kid develops understanding of Conforming and how determinations made can determine relationships with others. At the latter phases, kids learn about consideration for society, its regulations of authorization norms, moralss and values of others.Parents can too take a lead function in portraying morality by exposing suited behavior themselves, by Pull offing their ain emotions an d interactions with others. They can put out counsel and boundaries which will enable the kid to derive logical thinking of appropriate behaviors needed in society they belong ( DoH, 2000 ) 10. Those parents on the other manus exposing pervert or condemnable behaviors in forepart of the kid the more likely the kid is of non developing morally but instead copying these behaviors and larning unacceptable traits. ( Experimental acquisition or patterning theory ) . Such behaviors learnt could be, for illustration domestic force, aggression, noncompliance, linguistic communication used, drug and intoxicant usage.We can in any event understand how the impact of agnatic kid rise uping can impact the child behavioral development by the techniques parents use. Lannelli ( 2004 ) 11, suggests physiologists have identified 3 types of kid raising . Authoritarian Parents are in control, disciplinarian and use physical penalty. Whilst Permissive Parents are relaxed slightly control, set few regulations and respond in the aforesaid(prenominal) manner to child s behaviour good or bad. Authoritative parents use learning methods, non penalizing 1s, learning kids to be accountable and understanding effects of their actions ( operant conditioning ) . Giving Clear outlooks and following this through by reenforcing positive behavior, they do this in a caring manner. ( Lannelli, 2004 ) 12.The Impact of these Parenting Styles Wagner, ( 2009 ) 13 suggests can hold differing results for the kid. Authoritarian rear normally leads to kids who are compliant and competent but are sad and lack societal accomplishments and self esteem. Whilst Permissive Parenting leads to kids who are unhappy, lack fill inject and Get into problem with authorization and have low accomplishment in instruct. Maccoby ( 1992 cited by Wagner, 2009 ) 14 Authoritive parenting, consequences in kids who are happy, capable and successful . Authoritive rearing hence is the more likely technique that would advance the kid to be socially responsible ( Wagner.2009 ) 16 and hence less likely goon of delinquency. A 4th parenting manner Maccoby & A Martin ( 1983, cited by Wagner.2009 ) 15 suggested was the Uninvolved Parents, who whilst functioning the kid s basic demands, are normally disconnected from their kids, ensuing in the kid s deficiency of self-denial, who are less capable and have small self regard. Furthermore when looking at how Delinquency can move up from rearing received. Harmonizing to ( Williams, 2001 P 382 ) 17 is as a consequence of deficient degrees of supervising by base members. This could be down to Single parent, absent female parent or male parent from the place ( broken households ) . Or where big households exist this would intend less clip to oversee separately ( wolfram 1982 cited in Williams, 2001p.383 ) 18. Similarly we can see how this child/family relationship is an of import 1 has it provides emotional heat, safety, boundaries and offers stimulation a nd cognitive development from interactions, activities and communicating unitedly ( DoH, 2000 ) 19 If nevertheless the deficiency of this positive relationship is losing could take to inappropriate behaviour and deviancy is learnt. Similarly as Williams ( 2001p.383 ) 20 claims that the whole relationship Inc subject, parental inharmoniousness, low parental engagement, encouragement and supervising are related to condemnable strong beliefs.Community/structuralWe can now look at the other agent of native socialisation of kids which takes topographic point in the community and the function societal capital dramas in the control of delinquent behaviors and raising aspirations of households and young nation. As ( Putnam 2000 cited in Smith 2005 ) 21 in his book Bowling entirely suggested, societal capital helps community members sort out struggle and jobs better by on the job(p) together, sharing duty in guaranting that societal norms of behaviour and conformance are respected.When community dislocation occurs, as I ve witnessed by the closing of the excavation industry, quite a little move out, houses became creaky so habited with pervert, delinquent wad with low aspirations. Soon the affects of community life it s functioning and regard for societal hostel was broken. Lack of Morality and Delinquency go apparent, and Community members experience inward looking. Young people being brought in these communities learn traits through observation of those around them, its environment and from their ain household values, beliefs and behaviors. Over many old ages and with a batch of difficult work and investing in corporate societal capital, occupants and households pulled together and formed assorted action groups, which increased public and political consciousness. Streets became cleaner, safer, offense rates fell and kid development through engagement as a consequence of societal capital increased.This is strengthened as Coleman ( 1998, 1990 in Gilchrist. A, 2004 ) 22 references in his research that through strong household and community interactions immature people did good at initiate, shared positions on reciprocality, were responsible and helpful. Which high spots with strong investing of concerted action within community working the immature people and their households benefit and the hazard of aberrancy is minimized.Secondary socialisationAs the kid grows secondary Socialization takes its function on immature people, this is learnt in school and from compares.School is about larning about the ( Official computer program ) which is about the system of learning topics to larn and been rewarded for accomplishing through classs of attainment. School can be a topographic point to learn societal values, beliefs, and imposts in society Children learn besides about societal behavior and how to interact with equals who they are non familiar with ( Social Curriculum ) . School can besides learn immature people about the regulations, be havior, obeisance, to conform and execute outside the household and within groups and it teaches students to obey authorization figures. ( out of sight Curriculum ) .All of these can be seen to challenge some dysfunctional household s beliefs, values and regulations of operation. ( Sociology cardinal online no day of the month ) 23Children chiefly socialised within such households where aberrance has been learnt and to which is still outstanding, Id suggest would get down to fight with their instruction, socializing accomplishments and conformance to school regulations. They d likely pop off the systems in topographic point excessively difficult manage. These kids are at hazard of going labelled, treated as non academic winners and looked upon and taught in a different manner. As Hargreaves ( 1967 cited in Williams. 2001 p.385 ) 24 reported school kids can be seen to be categorized by possible to accomplish those with low outlooks are dislocated into low ability categories and treated otherwise. Pupils fix misanthropic of school and fail to relationships with instructors. These students make relationships with their equals with comparable traits and sentiments of school, which allows them to transport out delinquent behaviour. In another mountain Rutter et Al ( 1979 cited in Williams. K 2001 p.385 ) 25 found that schools with high Numberss of delinquency had high absenteeism and students achieved educational attainment these tended to be from low societal category households. What twain studies highlighted more nevertheless was the ways in which instructors respond to pupil s academic acquisition through subject and wages ( control ) . The non accomplishing 1s who are condition and who become to experience anomic and their perceptual experiences of school become damaged lose involvement in school and bead out particularly in their concluding twelvemonth, ( Williams, 2001 ) 25.This harmonizing to Box ( 1981 cited in Williams. 2001 p.386 ) 26 may all t ake towards criminalism .School does hence play a portion in fashioning pervert and future condemnable activities through its instruction methods and course of study manners of direction and control. It can alter this by understanding troubles immature people face at place and the parenting demands of the household. And present this by allowing learning methods around conforming in a helpful supportive manner. For this to go on it needs some signifier of primary socialisation to hold taken topographic point, but this can non ever be possible. ( Williams. 2001 ) 27Peer Groups/ sub culturalPeers socialisation can be seen with friends, brothers, of similar age, growing and adulthood, who live near by with personalities that are likewise. Children come across equal group catch at an early age these tend to be with household or neighbors. These interactions are closely watched by parents and so their criterions of behaviors are internalised by the kid. Even with the close supervisin g of the parents kids learn about societal accomplishments in group state of affairss with those similar societal individuality. As child gets older equal group interactions become more autonomous and are less supervised the kid learns about dialogue, control and leading, teamwork, give and take, etc As the immature individual reaches adolescence, equal group relationships become highly of import, lifting up to straight dispute the household ( Sociology cardinal no day of the month ) 28. It is at this phase referred to by Robert L. OBlock, Joseph F. Donnermeyer, Stephen E. Doeren 1991, p,62 ) 40 that some immature people can go delinquent through relationships with aberrant equal groups. Whilst other immature people are lawful because other groups deter and eradicate equals exposing improper behavior. ( Differential theory ) . Therefore equals become Socialization larning theoretical accounts and can act upon behaviors.Children desiring interaction will seek to attach to a equal gr oup and please equals by showing behaviors to suit in. Children showing aberrant behaviors they ve learnt from household and who ve had bad school socialisation will be accepted by aberrant groups but rejected by other more socially conforming groups. The deviancy carries on and more so amplified. Peer Pressures accepted and its operation can take to immature people perpetrating Acts of the Apostless of criminalism instead than be rejected such Acts of the Apostless could inc hooliganism shop raising drug usage Heaven. PCL ( 1994 ) 30 suggests susceptibility to this equal force per unit area is less likely if kids have been brought up by important parents. But as we have seen non all parents use this manner of rearing and in many fortunes kids attach themselves to peer groups as a consequence of rejection by parents.DecisionThe primary socialisation is a period of development that will inform the Childs sense of morality, liberty and societal behavior through its life class. It w ill inform or discourage a immature individual s condemnable activities later in life dependent on parental duty, working and community lived in. The household s ability to supply a kid with beliefs and values appropriate to conform within society and authorization will be the primary factor that will outweigh school and equal influences. School does make aberrance but as we have seen this is chiefly due to household fortunes and socialisation learnt from them. Peer socialisation besides creates aberrance but once more a kid who has received appropriate upbringing will socialize with similar equals those who have received inappropriate household socialisation or who have been rejected by parents will pull and interact with aberrant groups. It is for these grounds that I conclude that primary socialisation is more important than secondary socialisation in developing forms of aberrant condemnable behavior.

Thursday, May 23, 2019

Disadvantages of Iris Recognition

Subjects who are blind or have cataracts can also pose a altercate o iris recognition, as there is difficulty in reading the iris. The camera used in the process needs to have the correct centre of illumination. Without this, it is very difficult to capture an accurate image Of the iris. Along with illumination comes the problem with reflective surfaces within the range of the camera as well as any unusual lighting that may occur. All of these impact the ability of the camera to capture an accurate image. The system linked with the camera is currently lonesome(prenominal) capturing images in a monochrome format.This results in problems with the limitations of grayscale making it difficult to distinguish the darker iris coloration from the pupil. Although there is minimal intrusiveness with iris recognition, there is save the need for co- operation from subjects to enroll in the system and undergo subsequent authentication scans. Enrolling a non-cooperative subject would prove very difficult indeed. Inadequate learn of users at the initial enrolment period will cause problems both at the initial enrolment time and subsequent authentications.Frustrated users will not ease make the system any easier to use and will not be accepted by users as a convenient authentication method. Communication with users plays a major part in introducing such a system successfully. B. The iris is harder to map as an image because it fluctuates based on the size of the pupil, and drug or medicinal use, and age. The retina stays constant throughout your life, unless you have glaucoma or diabetes. The iris is not fully shaped until about eight months of age, but after that age, it is normally believed to be stable. C.One of the disadvantages with iris connection technology, being that it is a relatively new technology, is that the equipment is very expansive (it could cost almost as much as quint times the cost of fingerprint scanning).

Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Hip-Hopâۉ„¢s Betrayal of Black Women Essay

According to Jennifer Mclune, a writer, activist, and librarian, sexism, and homophobia saturate knock culture and any deviation from these forms of bigotry is made marginal to its most dominant and lucrative expressions. In her article Hip hops betrayal of black women Published on first of July 2006, Mclune is inform and trying to persuade her audience of this generation of teenagers and young adults, also seen as millennials, that hip-hop songs that have these elements of woman-hating, sexism, and homophobia, are basically a normal thing and it should non be because it causes an influence and makes the actions seem like its okay to commit rather than seeing it as something offensive. She claims that Hip-hop owes its success to the ideology of woman-hating By this, she sum that it creates, perpetuates, and reaps the rewards of objectification. I strongly agree with Mclune she feels that the hip-hop world has degraded women and it became the norm so people became blinded so, now its time to fight back. To serve up support my claim, Mclune uses real-life evidence/examples such as song lyrics, another article similar to her topic, and language.First off Mclune starts off addressing Kevin Powells notes of hip-hop heads and he states how poorness breeds into sexism and that hip-hop is saturated with the past and homophobia. Mclune feels that thats a way to silence the feminist critiques of the culture. Mclune also states how Powell forgets to mention the fact that women too were raised in the savage and poor environments as men too. Basically, it shouldnt excuse the fact that men are degrading women through the hip-hop culture. When we as black females need to hold up up and gain knowledge on how the hip-hop world participates in women-hating. You have men writing songs about black women pain, but have rappers such as jay-z who has lyrics such as I pimp hard on a trick.In particularly this article written by Sharpley Whiting called panderer Up, Hos Dow n Whiting argues that hip hops commercial success is heavily dependent upon young black women. Creating both, this masculine and misogynistic go against in under condenseing the real complexities of young black women in hip hops commercial art. The color prejudice and sexually charged lyrics in a dominated culture, hip-hop. Whiting also states how the millennium generation has grown into the wake of the hip-hop culture, blinded by their unconscious participation, they fail to connect the conclusion of feminism in hip-hop, this statement is similar to what Mclune has been saying throughout her article. It is not hip hop itself that has made the uniqueness of its own culture, but it is hip-hop itself that normalizes it.Its precise understandable that the hip-hop world bases their lyrics on real-life situations but the things that are said about such as gold diggers, chicken heads about women shouldnt be motioned because it doesnt do anything but make those situations become the no rm. In an article written by Dr. Johnnetta Cole argues in her article that there is a war between the sexes. Also, that hip-hop plays a significant influence on is battle that has been going on since the 60s. We as black women need to stand our ground for something that we believe in, which is treating us with respect and not degrading us in hip hops music. The sense of impudence toward the woman is being notice by boys and girls at an early age. Therefore, to them it seems that what is being said and demonstrated in videos is okay. The ruthless and tyrannical gender talk in todays hip-hop music must be put to rest, but to do that we must change the way we put out our message. Words can be very motivating and inspiring, but you cant influence someone by humiliating others.

Tuesday, May 21, 2019

Characteristics of pastors Essay

Crucial role is played by the minister in youth programming, which is quite exchangeable with the other church service-sponsored programs. Aw beness of the crucial role was received by the senior author of this paper, when a black clergyman from fifty miles away approached this graduate educatee in the year 1968. The college students were suggested by the minister to provide youth programs in the rural town. Reading tutorials, sewing classes, sex education, health tips, and current events were included in this project. A major study of black youth development was also led during the project.A small Northeastern town of Rubin was selected for the conduction of the abovementioned study. In the put study, the characteristics of ministers have been highlighted with the help of several findings. The sponsorship of the youth programs has also been associated with these characteristics. In general, youth was most favored by the younger clergy during the study. Some of the most prominent issues atomic number 18 being confronted by the African-American youth, which have been indicated by the scurrilous Church Family Project. It has also been observed the black churches are not addressing these issues adequately.Health-related services and AIDS take hold programs are some of these problems of the African-American youth. Only twenty-seven churches reported the existence of substance abuse programs. Twenty-seven churches also reported the parenting and sexuality programs in their communities. College students financial support was awarded by twenty-nine churches. Twenty-five churches reported youth at-risk programs, in which, delinquency was focused during the programs. Role modeling was provided by fifteen churches. Foster grandparents are some of the examples of role modeling in these churches.Employment and job readiness issues were offered by thirteen churches. Discussions which were the greatest efforts of about fifty-five churches across the country are help ful. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDATIONS This survey of Black n White churches resulted in gaps amongst Clergy and formal providers and the gaps grew wider with time. If we compare the Black churches with White churches, we will come to a conclusion that Black Churches proved to be more than supportive because it came up with new programs than White churches, it proved to be supportive not single in terms of beat but it also created some awareness amongst people.They also had a tight budget but always managed to offer strong programs. They managed to control man-sized congregations and large differences in budgets between urban and rural churches. in that location was some lacking in the linkage between specialty psychical health provider and churches. There was a very little interaction with Clergy and the formal mental health service delivery formation. moral health care system was never evoke in holding meetings with Clergy or any professional groups. History says that ment al health care system has already experienced some mistrust or betrayal from Clergy.Future actions should include building strong associations between providers of health and mental health service and faith communities. They should also pay prior watchfulness to best communication channels and should not ignore apparent absence of communication. Furthermore, they should also work to fill the gaps between cultures and promote free exchange between groups. It is not possible to draw up a clear path but from the study above we can say that urban pastors have more knowledge of mental health detection and are educationally stronger than rural counterseparate.Including the fact that Blacks provide more prams than White does not mean that the programs are only for Blacks or it may be not accessible to Black congregations at large. There is a possibility that Blacks may think they are service providers. Or communities that are served are not accepted by the Blacks. This clearly shows that both Blacks and White perceive their missions in a dissimilar manner. Pastors and formal delivery system can benefit from the gaps between mental health service providers and Clergy.Rural individuals are ready to seek general health care help from primary election care providers. But they are not ready to seek specialized mental health care. By creating a link between pastors and other church leaders to primary care providers can improve the mental health services for Blacks by this Blacks can get an effective and strengthened capacity of network. impelling measures should be taken into account to create a strong link between informal and formal networks. This is important to assure the effectiveness of accessible, appropriate mental health care.Joining up the knowledge and matching the capacities and capabilities of churches can prove to be beneficial for the communities and can be sanitary in crucial times. some significant for us today, these African American church leaders r ecognized the importance of what they were doing for future generations of Americans. They wrote histories, biographies, memoirs, and other accounts of religious life in the South during this era. It is through these written texts that we still have access to the many voices that comprise the first century of the black church in the United States. (2001, np) Churches in other parts of the region like South are well organized they are very strong to community and cultures resulting in congregational commitment. They respect each others attitudes and behaviors. Mental health care problems in rural areas are due to the lack of stigma and available services associated with mental health. To come up to a healthy solution, creative partnerships between social organizations are essential. For instance, combines churches and informal care will result in providing informal care.

Monday, May 20, 2019

Natural Family Planning Essay

To begin this es ordain I go forth first explain what lifelike Family supplying is and I will then turn to take a look at the essay written by Joseph W. Koterski entitled Theological Reflections on infixed Family readiness. graphic Family Planning is the general title for the scientific, natural and moral methods of family planning that can help married couples entirely achieve or postp one and save(a) pregnancies. Methods of Natural Family Planning depend on the observation paid to the course occurring signs and symptoms of the fertile and infertile phases of a muliebritys menstrual cycle. The main idea behind Natural Family Planning is that no methods of artificial contraception ar used. Such methods of artificial contraception include drugs, devices or surgical procedures which are used to avoid pregnancy.The first question Koterski asks is Can the use of Natural Family Planning to avoid pregnancy be virtuously justi?ed? He then goes on to state that m any(prenominal) d iscussions come to the conclusion that Natural Family Planning is acceptable providing one does non abide a birth control device mentality. The generator agrees with this statement, however one finds themselves asking does the whole idea of Natural Family Planning not meet a somewhat hindrance mentality to it also? The denomination then puts across the idea that bring forthing up is good within marriage however if a couple do have a contraceptive mentality it should be for a moral reason such as spacing births a identification number for the good of the mothers health, or caring better for the sake of ones alert children, or for the good of the marriage in a time of great pressures of some sort If these scenarios do come into a couples lives who use Natural Family Planning they are still remaining open to having children at these times however they are just hoping they will not until these scenarios have sorted themselves out.It appears that throughout the article the wr iter continually relates back to the subject about having a contraceptive mentality. He says on a frequent basis that if the reason for a couple having a contraceptive mentality is morally for the rightfield reasons then it is okay while still using Natural Family Planning. Compared to using contraception where the act itself ismorally offensive whether the intentions are good or bad, there does not seem to be anything intrinsically objectionable to a couple deciding whether or not to have intercourse at a finicky time during the womans menstrual cycle. If the couple have a good knowledge of Natural family Planning and are trying to avoid having more children then nothing should change about their actions during intimate relations by from the time at which they have them and knowing when not to have intercourse. The creator seems to be saying there is nothing wrong with this approach, however many a person would say this is having a contraceptive mentality.The writer then pose s two questions aimed especially at those religious people who do not believe in intercourse unless between a couple for fruitful reasons1. Are we morally required to have all the children possible for us, givenour current understanding of the natural rhythms of stinkiness?2. Are we morally required to chorus line from intercourse when we knowas a couple that we are infertile?These questions open up instead a strong argument for those sceptical about the idea that intercourse should only(prenominal) be for procreative purposes. These would possibly argue that internal intercourse is also for unifying purposes between a couple and thereof this would prevent a couple from growing closer. John Murray also states that it is not the womans tarnish that she is naturally infertile therefore why should she have to abstain from intercourseIf you were naturally blind, you could not do anything further to draw yourself blind. So when a woman is naturally infertile and knows it she cann ot do anything to make her acts of sexual intercourse infertile due to her natural infertilityThe point is not that she may not do so she cannot do so.The facts and figures of the matter according to Jack Dominian are currently ninety-nine percent of sexual activity is knowingly and deliberately non-procreative. Dominian then continues on with his argumentstating the majority need only a few sexual acts to achieve their desired family size. It appears Dominion is saying therefore that contraceptive methods are the easiest way of controlling family size.The literature of Paul Quay S.J. Then continue on the essay. Quay mentions how estrus is a sign of fertility in the pistillate species of animals and the male species can pick up on this. Humans are various however and the only way for us to know is by knowing how to read the cycles of temperature and cervical fluid as signs of fertility and infertility. The article continues on to mention the whole symbolism around sexual intercou rse. When a couple have intercourse it is almost like a language between them that only they can understand. Koterski uses Quays argument to say that the physical union of intercourse symbolises the union of persons in marriage. The whole idea of nakedness between a couple having intercourse is to symbolize their openness and vulnerability to one another. The whole point of this argument appears to be this is the reason why only when married should one engage in intercourse. If relating back to Natural Family Planning and not having a contraceptive mentality Traditionally the reason given is that sex is linked to replica and that the fruit of this, children, need two parents to look after them and give them legitimacy and status.As we carry on through the document and take a look at the application of Quays understanding to Natural Family Planning we see how it states the Church should have as many children as possible. The task seems to be to bring all of these who are naturally bo rn to be reborn of the water and the Holy Spirit of the uterus of the church by baptism. The document continues on to focus more towards the Church and how even though one may be born to Christian parents this does not mean one is a Christian. It is only through water and the Holy Spirit that we can be brought from this world of sin into the Christian community and the Church. It is only through God however that these children should be brought into this world and not as items of property, therefore conception should be one hundred per cent natural and not through in vitro fertilisation or any such procedures.The authors final few points are quite valid when he states the the infertile period for a couple who are using the method of Natural Family Planning is a period for the womans body to rest before releasing the next ovum. Natural family planning should also allow the womans body to rest during the natural spacing of pregnancies. In this sense by abstaining from intercourse it i s an looking of love on the mans behalf as he is caring for his wife. The main point the author is trying to get across is that some of the time, even though intercourse is a way of expressing love, abstemiousness can sometimes be for the greater good of the family and the relationship.To conclude, this essay states what Natural Family Planning is and the many different aspects to it. As with everything it has its pros and cons however if practised properly it allows a couple to do as the Church teaches and make a decision about how many children to have in a wise and loving flair trying to bear in mind various needs, such as health, their existing children, societys needs, etc.13 The whole idea about making Natural Family Planning successful is not to have a contraceptive mentality. This however is a mentality that the majority have and as verbalise by Jack Dominion ninety-nine per cent of sexual activity is knowingly and deliberately non-procreative.BibliographyDominian, Jack , Masterbation and premarital Sexual Intercourse , God Sex and Love (London SCM Press, 1989),Koterski, Joseph W. Theological Reflections on Natural Family Planning, http//www.nvjournal.net/images/stories/SampleArticles/6.4.pdfMurray, John, Lecture notes.http//www.usccb.org/issues-and-action/marriage-and-family/natural-family-planning/what-is-nfp/

Sunday, May 19, 2019


International Case Study Conference Case guide title-Once Upon a Time in Doordarshan Abstract An Indianpublic process broadcaster, a division of PrasarBharti and once the just and most viewed television channel. However, later it gradually entered the declining phase which is evident from the sharp decline in viewership in homes with Cable and Satellite Television which in 2002 was just at 2. 38% for DD National . It had a tame beginning with the experimental telecast starting in Delhi on 15th of September, 1959 with a small transmitter and a makeshift studio.The regular daily transmission commenced in 1965 as a part of on the whole India Radio. The television service was extended to Mumbai and Amritsar in 1972. Uptill 1975, only seven Indian cities had a television service and Doordarshan remained the sole provider of television in India. Television services were segregated from radio in April beginning(a) 1976. Each office of All India Radio and Doordarshan were cropd under the management of two separate coach Generals in New Delhi. Finally, in 1982, Doordarshan as a national broadcaster came into existence. With the onset of private transmit in 1991, Doordashan lost its sheen.Despite of the fact that it is backed by government, it can only afford to have additive changes. Given present-day realities when every government in New Delhi uses Doordarshan as a state metier and its viewers as a incarcerated audience, one can opine that probability of things being changed is highly remote. directly we enjoy numerous channels described as General Entertainment Channels or GECs, solely back then Doordarshan was the one-stop shop for news, for entertainment, for sports, for edu-informative shows, for light hearted comedies, for song and dance for everything.Though the entertainment and movie industry had come through astral heights today, but it must be mentioned that the roots and origin of entertainment came from the authentic Doordarshan. Doordarshan is now more than 50 years old and the challenge before it is to adopt the changes that have taken place in the current scenario then what it prevailed when it began its journey. As a public service broadcaster, it needs to ensure that its air is driven by sincere vision of providing accessible, diverse, independent and high-quality content to citizens.

Saturday, May 18, 2019

Career Counselor Interview Essay

It is never too aboriginal to start thinking about the cargoner that you want. This is asked by umpteen parents of children at an ahead of time age, teachers in cross off naturalise and junior high, again in high indoctrinate, but what is not always asked is what is needed to reach or reach that career choice? With school counselor-at-laws roles evolving over the years, more students see them as leadership and someone they can turn to for advice. Counselors decease in diverse community settings designed to provide a variety of counseling, rehabilitation, and support go (Counselors, 2010). This student interviewed, Miranda Angeles, an enrollment counselor at Mt. San Jacinto Community College (MSJC), in Menifee. Miranda has a BA in Psychology from the University of Phoenix. She has been with MSJC for a little over a year and works in the beginning with the incoming freshmen. During the interview, this student learned what Ms. Angeles responsibilities were and how vital t hey are to her students.Ms. Angeles is in charge of a competency-based guidance course of instruction. This program is designed to assist students with the development of their educational, personal, and career goals (2014). She stated that she feels since college freshman are transitioning into adulthood and/or the work field, as well as separating from their parents and figuring out their birth independence, this program is extremely helpful in outlining their goals. Students need a sense of guidance with making decisions, when making them for the first time on their own and that it were school counselors can help guide them. Ms. Angeles also shared the importance of picking a college and what the student should consider.First, does the college have a program that peaks your interest in a potential career. Second, is the school accredited, meaning ordain your credits transfer elsewhere should you decide to change schools or want to further your education. Third, the location of the school and the student population in regards to class size for learning depending on your learning style. A small campus may be more appealing to you if you do better in smaller, close group setting. Fourth, the services offered at the school for the student. Do they have a student body, organized events such as dances or sports team. Lastly, what are the admission and financial aid process.Students wanting to attend college should talk to those who know theadmissions policy, so that the student can make sure they are on the right track. M each colleges and universities, as well as community colleges have their own set of requirements such as a certain grade specify average (GPA), high school diploma or official transcripts, SAT or ACT scores, along with tutelage fees. This sounds simple enough, however for incoming freshmen going through this alone, they could become overwhelmed, thus enrollment counselors are so authorised in helping guide the student.Since, Ms. Angeles w orks at the community college level, she shared that many another(prenominal) community colleges have specific teachings for certain careers that can be completed for certification, shortening the time in school verses receiving a degree. Many students choose this route, while others want the degree, with either the degree itself or many of the courses transferring to a four year college if desired, once the student is original into the new college or university. Also, with community college, tuition is usually much lower than a four year, which appeals to many students if they have to use financial aid. other plus to choosing community college over a four year is, Community colleges have formed a partnership with traditional institution and serve a great diversity of students regardless of age, professional background, schoolman ability, and educational goals, (Williams & Southers, 2010). This students understanding of this is that no matter your age, background, prior grades or educational goals, everyone pretty much is accepted into community college and can better not only themselves but family as well at any time.While interviewing Ms. Angeles, this student asked how she helps guide students who are set on a specific career. Ms. Angeles said that she a great deal receives emails about upcoming community events and services and will share these on the bulletin board and with teachers in a specific field to share with students. She feels that students who seek personal development are the ones who desire a long career and personal growth, and is an asset to the field of their choice (2014).Ms. Angeles also feels that by being involved with school activities, projects and affairs, she is showing students her commitment to not only theschool but to them as well. Being a counselor is a great career choice for those wanting to help others, you often times tolerate to create your own ideas and things that will leave your client, or student in this case fee ling a sense of accomplishment and good about themselves, (2014).When asked about how she sees technology, such as iPads, influencing students, Ms. Angeles responded with it is never too early to develop skills or have an interest in a specific career, such as a police officer or firefighter for boys and a princess or nurse for girls, (2014). This left this student wondering, if on that point are places that students from elementary through high school can go and explore their interests and see how many of them follow through with making something bigger of those interests. They almost seem like dreams that we all have as children, one day growing up and wanting to be someone.With school counseling evolving over the years, it is important to not only ask children at an early age what they want career wise, but to teach them on what that includes as far furthering their education. During this interview, this student learned that counselors are not only there for the faculty member purposes, but emotional, social, and career wise as well. This student also learned that having a strong counselor at school will set the student up with a solid foundation for school and hopefully the beginning of a successful career with the choices the student has made along the way to queue their own independence.ReferencesAngeles, Miranda. (2014, July). Career Counseling Interview. Brown, D. (2007). Career Information, Career Counseling, and Career Development, 9th Ed. Boston, MA Pearson Education, Inc. Counselors. (2010). United States Department of Labor. Retrieved 2011, from authorization of Labor Statistics website http//www.bls.gov/oco/ocos067.htm Williams, M. R. & Southers, T. (Winter-Spring, 2010). Blurring the lines between high school and college Early colleges and the effect on adult learners. Adult Learners 26(5), 210-212.

Friday, May 17, 2019

Social Influence and the Branch Davidians

Social Influence And The Branch Davidians Abstract I examined deference forming strategies used by David Koresh to enamour his pursuit. His claim to be Jesus Christ himself, and his promise to grant his followers eternal life, was super effective in obtaining his followers compliance. I examined the Branch Davidians response to David Koreshs influence. I find their willingness to surrender their basic human needs, personal safety, and that of their children. Compliance- shed light oning strategies used by the Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms (ATF) agents during the 1993 siege at the Branch Davidian compound were also examined.Social Influence and The Branch Davidians David Koresh used various compliance gaining strategies to gain the allegiance of his followers who according to Time. com (1993) were also known as the Branch Davidians. His followers responded with compliance, ultimately equipping themselves in a standoff at their compound in Waco Texas, against the Bureau of Alcoho l Tobacco and Firearms. The ATF hence used compliance gaining strategies in a failed attempt to end the standoff peacefully. David Koresh used methods such as moral appeal, promises, and threats as compliance gaining strategies.It could be considered immoral for a religious person to choose to counteract God, therefore a moral appeal was a highly effective compliance gaining strategy for Koresh to use. Time. com (1993) wrote that Koresh taught his followers saying, if the playscript is true, then Im Christ. He was challenge to their desire to be moral wad who obey the requests of their Lord and Savior. Relentlessly delivering scriptures to his followers was another form of moral appeal. Koresh implored their compliance by appealing to their moral commitment to obey the scriptures of the Bible.Koresh realized that his followers would accept the logic that moral people do not disobey the Bible. Time. com (1993) wrote that David Koresh quoted the Bible (Revelation 2, English Stan dard Version) saying Do not fear what you atomic number 18 about to sufferBe faithful unto death, and I will give you the crown of life. Koresh was using a strategy known as promise (Alberts, 2009, p. 11), to gain compliance. Koresh was promising his followers that, just as the Bible foretold, their actions would indeed be rewarded. Koresh used the threat of war as a compliance gaining strategy.He positive(p) his followers that they would eventually have to prove their allegiance to him by waging war against the enemy. If they were going to be fain for the impending war, it would be necessary for them to watch movies that prepared them mentally for war. They would also have to participate in military style training, in order to ensure their victory over their enemies. Koresh convinced his followers that the front of the ATF at their compound was indeed the sign that the war that they were expecting was upon them.David Koreshs followers responded to compliance gaining strategies with compliance, loyalty, and abidance. Females of the group showed compliance by marrying David Koresh and by allowing their daughters to marry him as well. Their tendency to comply may have been because they perceived Koresh as having the authority to demand these unions. Another possibility is that their commitment to the group necessitated consistency in their actions in shop of the group. This would require that they comply with all demands made upon group members. Group members conformed to the explicit rules of the group.According to Time. com (1993), Koresh proclaimed, all the women in the world belonged to him and only he had the right to procreate. Therefore, the explicit rules of the group dictated that David Koresh had a right to cat sleep with any woman in the group. Group members conformed to implicit rules of the group as well. Its members did not question David Koreshs authority. Koresh instructed his followers to ready themselves for war by training for it. So group members displayed obedience to his demands by participate in what Time. com (1993) reported as military style drills in preparation for war.David Koreshs followers displayed obedience when they armed themselves against police at their compound in Waco, Texas. The bureau of Alcohol Tobacco and Firearms used proclivity (Alberts, 2009, p. 11) as a compliance gaining strategy during the standoff with David Koresh and his followers. This strategy proved to be effective at times and ineffective at other times. Time. com (1993) reported that ATF agents used a respectful approach. This approach to gain compliance was initially successful and it resulted in the release of twenty-one children and sixteen adults.However, because the ATF used this strategy excessively, it muddled its effectiveness and ultimately it garnered a response in opposition to the previous response. According to Time. com (1993), Koresh ultimately responded with conceit and mockery to repeated attempts by the ATF to use respect as a strategy to gain his compliance. The ATFs failure to achieve compliance with requests that the group members exit the compound resulted in the deaths of the very people that they were attempting to protect. The compound, secure ablaze, claimed the lives of numerous Branch Davidians.Compliance gaining strategies bum be highly effective. Unfortunately, in addition to positive results, these strategies can produce negative results as well. Compliance gaining strategies, when effective can lead to a persons freedom from hostile captors. However, failed attempts at these strategies can also result in the death of many people. Compliance, obedience, and conformity can lead to a willingness to make choices that society at large would deem reprehensible. These types of social influence can cause a mother to neglect her maternal instincts and willingly put her children in weighty life-threatening situations.Compliance can be a formidable weapon against a perceived threat. References Alberts, J. PhD, Ayers, J. PhD, Busha, R. PhD, & Holtz, M. M. A. (2009). social Effectiveness. Rancho Cucamonga Channel Custom Gibbs, N. (May, 1993) Oh My God, Theyre Killing Themselves Time. com, 2, 5. Retrieved from http//www. time. com/time/daily/newsfiles/waco/050393. html Lacayo, R. (March, 1993). Cult of Death Holed up in a Texas fortress, David Koresh and his followers fervently believe he is Christ till death do them part. Time. com, 1, 3, 4. Retrieved from http//www. time. com/time/daily/newsfiles/waco/031593. html

Thursday, May 16, 2019

Killing the Internet Sopa/Pipa Essay

Kill the Internet- and Other Anti-SOPA MythsIn this article of Kill the Internet- and Other Anti-SOPA Myths, the author Goldberg indicates that essentially anything that was posted on the meshing was at risk with the anti-piracy. This is just technically stating that everything that is posted on the internet has the ability to be plagiarized or abuse the copyright act. As well as Googles ability to be making money off of everything that is being posted onto their website ( Google alone generated more than $37 billion in 2011, more than double the revenue of all record companies, major and indie feature ).One of the major companies that Google made more money than, was the movie industries. SOPA/ PIPA are not policing rube or Google their policing us the people who outlawedly watch movies online. Despite that illegally watched movies break every run of copyright, its a thing that happens daily on the internet its an underlying issue that scales rapidly. For example, as mentioned on the article sharing has become a common theme among Facebook and Megaupload subscriptions making the guidelines for SOPA/PIPA and copyright Acts blurry at times. There is simply just no way has that copyrighted guidelines to be followed rigorously on the internet. It would be absurd to file a copyright lawsuit for a video dual-lane on Facebook of children singing happy birthday at a party.Here is where guidelines get blurry, There is a profound moral difference between lending a friend a book and posting, without permission, the sate of best sellers for commercial gain to simply help the people out there. Despite the governments efforts to ban all illegal activity on the internet SOPA/PIPA was not the best policies they could take a leak come up with. They were loose with word censorship with which the government reserves the power to restrict ideas. If you see about it, it is a kind of repression which violates our first amendment. (The on the loose(p)dom of speech) If th e government continues, with his idea of controlling the internet in order to prevent any information leaks they could drive us into the repression that is now common in china where most computers and cell phones search history is control and monitored. Instead the government should focus on detail laws that would try and prevent individuals from illegally postingmovies and any other digital content artifact for free on the internet.In conclusion, Danny Goldberg was right about having protest against the PIPA and SOPA anti-piracy bills. I do agree with his steer that we should have internet freedom, yet some guidelines should be put into play to prevent the distribution of illegal content through the internet, but not as harsh as the bills have mentioned before.

Wednesday, May 15, 2019

Case analysis of NO GO Railroad Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Analysis of NO GO railway line - Case Study Examplet hand, the cause of these problems include excess man power, underground to change, HR polity is inappropriate, and guarantee-generated extra expenses (Brown, 2010).In order to respond to these problems, Dave Keller, the new communications is assigned the work of overhauling the geomorphologic configuration of the organization and to create an organizational development strategy. However, based on the traditional archaic procedures of firmness of purpose issues and the psycho-social effects of favoritism, gender insensitivity, and lack of communication at the place of work among employees and management, employees are more potential to present resistance to change. The areas of resistance include support system where employees are wary that the support they use to get from management would subside or vanish. Employees will resist the alternative of downsizing the labor force out as this would mean laying off of some employees. A dditionally, a change in organization policy may influence change resistance as some employees may experience side effects of the change e.g. possible career stagnation. Lastly, due to workplace politics, employee groups are likely to influence change resistance based on historical events associated with the proposed changes (Brown, 2010).In order to resolve the identified challenges, the organization has the options of developing consummation appraisal programs and management, human resource forecasting and planning, proper analysis of responsibilities, and the creation of training and development