
Wednesday, May 8, 2019

HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

gracious RESOURCE MANAGEMENT - Assignment ExampleGoogle ensures through compensation that these talented pack are retained. The advantage and compensation system at Google is pay-for-performance. The stock option system of the company ensures that employees get compensated and rewarded along with the growth of the company. The most astonishing factor is that in 2005-2006 the employees by themselves demanded a wage cut. According to the conductor and Professor of Human Resource Center working at Wharton Business School, these perks and benefits help Google to recruit people who are willing to go past most of their time at work place. Statistics show that sluttishware product engineer at Google receives an average salary of $81,239 which is just $8000 less than their senior competitors, yahoo (Small Business, n.d.). Nowadays, many schoolgirlish engineer and professional aspire to get employed at Google. The reason is due to excellent shimmer and work environment. Top it all, bon uses and compensation, flexibility in working on projects etc. Google has been the most renowned ensample of a motivating and encouraging employer. There wouldnt be any single person who wouldnt wish to work at Google. ... Under this head, comes the most extensively debated subject that is soft HRM and hard HRM. In Soft HRM, companies consider their employees as the most valuable and important resource. For such companies, the needs of employees must be catered at first. Such types of companies are usually considered as good employers. Therefore, these companies offer their employees substantial chances to grow not only as workers but also as individuals. Employees are provided regular training in gild to ensure that prospect promotions. In hard HRM, companies generally treat their employees as a means of obtaining gelt and efficiency. Hard HRM usually do not takes into account the needs and wants of employees. Hard HRM allows the employer to have full mastery over its workforce and operations. In such organizations, the morale and skills of employees are relatively lower. Companies utilize these approaches according to their incorporate culture and type of industry. Those organizations which operate in such industry where norms, standards and benchmark needs to be nurture adopts hard HRM. On the other hand, those companies which are research based and require creative and advanced(a) tactics utilize soft HRM where employees are given full authority to do the work in a way they feel the best. Hard HRM is widely accepted and implemented in organizations like KFC, McDonalds and Ryanair while soft HRM is implemented and encourages in organizations like Facebook and Google. Yes Google utilizes soft HRM approach (Peter Bamberger, 2000). The culture of Google gives liberty to its workers to bring in innovative and creative stuff. In this regard, they are expected to research and work as per their own way. In fact, Google encourages its employees to spend 20% of

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